Welcome to Weekly Wins Wednesday, where we celebrate the smalls wins. It is my personal belief that small wins lead to BIG impact. Join us as we “BUILD” our own personal empire.

B= For my body, I played several rounds of ping pong at our “home table” and was deemed ping pong queen of the day! Not gonna lie. I get WORN OUT after several rounds of ping pong. I was sweating hard and feeling good. It was so fun. After I left, my Dad texted me that he and my brother discussed how to beat me next time and also I’m now called “the dark horse” since the odds were against me. My brother and father are REALLY good. I think I got lucky, but I had a blast and it boosted my confidence a little knowing I can return shots they never thought I’d get my paddle on. My Mom and Kaden also played and they are improving each week too and I cherish this time as a family. Summer is almost here when the ping pong table comes out!

U=For my “you”, I had a date night with myself on Friday night and watched Netflix and fell asleep blissfully and it felt great! Sometimes just taking a little time to be alone and veg out is just what we need. And I was unapologetic about it:)

I=This is small but I made $22 in bank interest. Again, it’s the little things…

L=ReLationships…I took my Mom to breakfast just the two of us. We rarely get to spend time alone these days and it was really fun being with her and catching up and talking just Mom and daughter. I will leave a photo of the view while we had stuffed french toast. Mmm!

D=Personal Development-I had a realization this week you guys. While we were playing Ping Pong, I got so lost in the game and had no idea what the score was. Each time I immersed myself with not obsessing over the points..I WON. This gave me some great insight that sometimes you just have to throw yourself in with all you’ve got and not keep score. This is not always the case, but sometimes it makes the journey more fun and filled with pleasant surprises.

Now is your turn! Please share you weekly wins so we can celebrate you! Love you KSquad!
