Being present. Sometimes i struggle so hard with this simple concept to just be in the moment while it’s happening. There are so many distractions in our minds such as social media, emails calling our names, dirty laundry, piles of stuff in the house that need to be organized… But then i spend so much time after trying to recall every detail what was he giggling about that day… how did the waves feel crashing beneath my feet?

Absorbing the details in this life is a real joy and if we can learn to just stop and enjoy it, we’re never gonna regret being present and enjoying every moment that we can. Today i’m thinking of you all, just thinking of some of the important things in life because a lot of the time we can get caught up in a lot of stuff that doesn’t matter. There’s a lot of noise and when i come to the beach, I feel like i can really prioritize and get a clear mind. Does anybody else feel like that? Leave it in the comments. Does the beach bring you peace? Does it open your mind? Does it help you remind yourself that the world is so big and sometimes the problems that seem so big aren’t as big when we look at the big picture? The beach helps remind me of that and I love every opportunity i get to come here. It really does some good for my soul.

Here’s my reminder to you all:

The laundry can wait.

Choose wisely how you spend your time.

When enough is enough make the call and change directions.

Sometimes the bad times is just a season and you’ve got to be patient and take it one day at a time.

When you get pushed to the edge you don’t have to jump. You can push back!

Spend time with those people that make you feel alive.

Life is more than just a clean house.

If you’ve been talking negatively about yourself lately, it’s time to stop that RIGHT NOW.

If you don’t think you can do it, you’re right. But if you KNOW you can do it you’re also correct.

Don’t wait. Do it today.

There’s no time to waste doing things you really hate. If you really hate it stop it and do something you enjoy.

Don’t waste your time your money or your energy on things that don’t matter to you.

Eyes on the prize Ksquad! You know it!

Sometimes the excitement is all about the small things, the simple pleasures, the people you’re with and the small seemingly insignificant moments that actually end up meaning everything. I hope this was just what you needed today to take a step back take a deep breath and remember what’s important in your life. Remember to be present and take the time to enjoy the details. We don’t always have to be in a hurry and we can cherish every single moment.

Love you KSquad,
