By Kate Kaden from the Kate Kaden Channel on YouTube

What I love about both frugal living and minimalism is that both pursue LESS in order to enjoy MORE. It’s a beautiful and empowering concept. 

This year in order to spend less, save money and not clutter my home with excess, here are 10 things I’m not buying this year.

  1. Non-washable items- If it doesn’t have those magic words “machine washable” in regards to clothing, I’m not buying it. I like to keep my laundry process simple and I also don’t want to spend the time and money taking things to the dry cleaners. 
  1. Nail ANYTHING- In my 20’s, I took great pride in having nice fake acrylic nails. In my current phase of life, I no longer prioritize my nails. I keep them short and neat and that works for me. l save time and money by not getting my nails done. This may change in the future, but for now it suits me.
  1. Body Lotion- Body lotion is great! It smells amazing and makes your skin soft. Fortunately I’ve been gifted over 7 bottles I still have not used up, so I have no need to purchase more this year. (Thank you gifters!)
  1. Seasonal dish towels- The first reason is I already have a draw full of dish towels. I see no need to pile in more. Secondly, the use of seasonal styles are too short lived for my needs. If you are still in need of these, my tip is, instead of getting a towel that clearly only celebrates one holiday, for example if it says “Merry Christmas!” this will probably be only used for approximately one month. Instead get green towels to use for Christmas AND St. Patrick’s Day. Get red towels that can be used at Christmas AND Valentine’s Day. You get the idea. Try solid colors or patterns that can be used more throughout the year.
  1. Home decor- I love a new throw pillow as next as the next person. I am very tempted to get new things I see online. However, I’m currently very happy with my decor and see no need to buy more. PRO TIP: If you are feeling that restless need to acquire more and make a new look, try rearranging your furniture, art work and knick knacks. Put them in different rooms, switch lamps and lighting that you already have. It can make the whole space seem fresh and new.
  1. Kids toys- This is a double edged sword! I’m both thrilled and deeply saddened that my son no longer gets value from toys. It’s just part of growing up. Now he prefers Robux gift cards and experiences. Boo-hoo and YAY!
  1. Excessive gifts- Ironically my love language is gifts! I love to spend the time finding the perfect gift for someone I love. However, as I get older, me and many of my friends and family value time spent together above the purchasing of things. I still find thoughtful gifts, but now it’s not my main way of showing someone I care about them. I don’t buy excessively just to illustrate my love. I still love buying gifts, but now I don’t go overboard. 
  1. Jewelry- I used to scour the mall for earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, etc! I loved buying lots of relatively cheap jewelry at all the trendy spots. These days I’ve culled down my collection to what I really love and don’t spend nearly as much time or money on buying more. 
  1. Plants- I love plants! Don’t get me wrong. I got kittens this year and they think any plant I bring into the home is their personal toy to knock over and play in! Currently in this phase of life, they eat and destroy plants and for their safety and my peace of mind, I’m not planning to buy any more plants this current year.
  1. Trendy makeup- I keep my skincare and makeup routine simple. I have some friends who really have the gift for making cool looks with makeup. This has never been something I got excited about personally. I love a minimal face with lip gloss or lip balm. 

Now is your turn! Please share in the comments something you aren’t buying this year. Thanks for being here dear reader. See you again soon!


If you’d like to see a video on this topic with a little more detail, watch here!