1. Turn off the lights every time you leave a room. For the full video that these tips are based on, watch here! 

30 EASY Frugal Habits (SAVE MONEY!)/Frugal Minimalism

2. Unplug appliances that you aren’t using. Once I use my toaster, I unplug it and put it away. I don’t like to waste money on even the little energy appliances use simply by being plugged in.

3. Save Change. Save those pennies, those nickels, dimes and in a piggy bank or jar.  I used to love doing that as a kid and I still do.  My son has gotten into that practice as well.  Save your change and then go cash in that money.

4.  Recycle.  I live in the state of Maine and we get to recycle almost all of our cans and bottles. I bring them to the Redemption Center. BOOM! Cash! 

5. Have an emergency fund. I have two videos on this on my channel that I hope is helpful for you. Having an emergency fund is essential for financial health and personal peace. 

For more, watch here-

Start Saving Your First Emergency Fund RIGHT NOW-Building Your Emergency Fund for the First Time

Build Your Emergency Fund NOW/Preparing for an Emergency/Saving Money

6. Live Below Your Means. Know what you bring in every month, then spend LESS.

Living Below Your Means To Save Money

7. Stay Home. I did this before it was mandatory. This video explores my love of not having plans on the weekend. 

Frugal Minimalism: The Art of Staying Home on Weekends (and save money!)

8.  Learn how to do things for free on YouTube. For example if you’re looking on tips on how to budget, I have hours of content that will help you get your budget started and make it effective.

How to Create Your First Budget That ACTUALLY WORKS!/How to Budget

9. Cut Your Own Hair. You can also learn how to do this on YouTube!

10. Create a Budget

How To Make Your Best Budget Ever-5 Budget Tips/Frugal Friday

11. Drink Less Alcohol and Don’t Smoke.

12.  Drink More Water. Easy breezy.

13. Practice Zero Waste

WASTE LESS FOOD/7 Frugal Food Hacks

14.  Sell Everything You’re Not Using. Make some room in your home and put some money in your pocket.

15.  Use Digital Coupons. My main grocery store offers digital coupons on their app. I utilize this as much as I can.

16.  Use Up Every Drop of Product. Use up that toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion and all products until they are empty.

17.  Reduce Paper Towel Use

18.  Eat Home Most of the Time

19. Explore minimalism

What MINIMALISM Saves Me-Minimalist Lifestyle

20. Look at Your Bank Statement EVERY SINGLE DAY. I do this every morning while I’m drinking my coffee.

EASY Money Saving Daily Habits for your Daily Routine-Habit Stacking to Save Money

21.  Use the Library. FREE BOOK borrowing. Need I say more?

22.  Practice Frugal Exercise.  Walking is my favorite.

23. Batch Errand. Save gas by batching errands. 

24. Wash Clothes Less. Not trying to be gross but sometimes we wear things and they’re not even sweaty or anything wrong with it. We just throw it in the wash even if we only wore it for an hour or two. If it’s really not dirty, hang it or fold it. Less laundry.

25. Eat Less Meat. Meat is expensive. I have adopted more of a  “meat on the side” philosophy. It saves a ton of money.

26. Utilize FREE Entertainment. Parks, picnics, free concerts and more!

27.  Go with One Car. Now if I had a partner, I might practice this one or try but if you’re really needing to save money you could try to go with one car instead of two. Think of all the money you’ll save! The car payment if you’re still paying a car payment, the gas, the insurance etc.

28.  Downsize Your House.  Here are some things I learned when buying my first home.

7 Things I Didn’t Expect When Buying a House for the First Time

29. Go Scorched Earth. I heard this phrase initially from Dave Ramsey. This is when you go HARDCORE savings and don’t eat out and don’t go out spending on any entertainment, etc. Everything is bare minimum for a season until you hit your goal.

30.  Live Off of One Income. If you have a significant other and have dual income, challenge yourselves and see if you can live off of one income and save and invest with the other! Good luck!