Top 10 areas of my home I will declutter/de-own this month:



Office Closet

Cedar Closet

Paper Clutter


Bedroom Closet/Bedroom Drawers

Kitchen Cabinets/Drawers

Bathroom Under Sink/Drawers/Closet

Son’s Closet

These are currently my top 10, but I feel like as the month goes on, this COULD evolve as I uncover things I probably didn’t even realize were in my home.

Why am I wanting to do this now? Spring and Summer in Maine don’t last long and I don’t to be stuck in the house when the weather is glorious worried about STUFF. Living in a state where the 4 seasons are a real delight, I want to declutter/de-own in the cold so when that weather shifts…I CAN BE OUTSIDE GUILT-FREE with my son having a blast!

Each Friday as always I will have a new video to help inspire you! Please check back here periodically for new posts!

Love ya KSquad!


8 replies on “Minimalist March”

  1. I am with you in the decluttering. As I been remodeling I finding it dont want all the things on my walls. I am attacking one room at a time decluttering. Will be please when I am done.

  2. Clutter takes up so much mental energy, where I’m I going to put it, gotta donate it, do I even want or need it etc.
    less is better .
    Let’s have a great month making our homes a peaceful place to live! 😃

  3. Nice! I’m so with you here in ontario canada I want to go out guilt free in the nice weather too, it doesnt last long enough around here. Im also doing a low spend/ sell the clutter challenge. Have a great day!

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