
The Devastating Loss of Mr. Hanum

Trigger Warning: Pet Loss I want to vomit. I want to scream. I want to drop my knees and beg for it not to be time. I want to hold him forever. This can’t possibly be it. No one and nothing can prepare you for pet loss. It’s truly one of the most nauseating and …


10 Things I’m Not Buying This Year

By Kate Kaden from the Kate Kaden Channel on YouTube What I love about both frugal living and minimalism is that both pursue LESS in order to enjoy MORE. It’s a beautiful and empowering concept.  This year in order to spend less, save money and not clutter my home with excess, here are 10 things …


10 Reasons Your Budget Might Not Be Effective (YET!)

By Kate Kaden at the Kaden Kaden Channel on YouTube Your budget isn’t written down or typed out. Mental math is not enough. You must write it out and see the numbers in front of you to be sure that you are reaching your financial goals. You don’t know how much you actually take home. …

How to be NOT Extremely Frugal

You might have noticed that you’ve never seen a “this is how I’m extremely frugal” video, because I’m NOT extremely frugal. I know one of the reasons some of you watch me is because I do strike a balance between saving and spending. I’m not extreme, I get results. I find endless abundance and pleasure …

Minimalist March

Top 10 areas of my home I will declutter/de-own this month: Purse/Wallet Car Office Closet Cedar Closet Paper Clutter Wardrobe Bedroom Closet/Bedroom Drawers Kitchen Cabinets/Drawers Bathroom Under Sink/Drawers/Closet Son's Closet These are currently my top 10, but I feel like as the month goes on, this COULD evolve as I uncover things I probably didn't …

Frugal and On a Budget-Saving Money & Frugal Living

If you are reading this, more than likely you are a frugal person or aspiring to be. More than likely you are on a budget or aspiring to be. I posted an image of these words the other day and it just sounded and felt like frugality to me. The words were "not wasting money …

Being Present

Being present. Sometimes i struggle so hard with this simple concept to just be in the moment while it's happening. There are so many distractions in our minds such as social media, emails calling our names, dirty laundry, piles of stuff in the house that need to be organized... But then i spend so much …

Weekly Wins Wednesday-Ping Pong Queen! May 12, 2021

Welcome to Weekly Wins Wednesday, where we celebrate the smalls wins. It is my personal belief that small wins lead to BIG impact. Join us as we "BUILD" our own personal empire. B= For my body, I played several rounds of ping pong at our "home table" and was deemed ping pong queen of the …